Tuesday, August 10, 2010

e-waste recycling event this saturday 8/14

Nothing warms my heart more than getting rid of stuff. Especially electronic stuff. They had one recently at Lincoln School and I was so happy to get rid of those useless wall warts, old cell phones, cable modems and bunch of useless gizmos clogging up my closet. They also took a bag of alkaline batteries I had laying around, thank goodness. Get rid of it while its easy. There is an e-waste recycling event happening at the Harbor Bay Community Parking Lot this saturday 8/14 9am-1pm 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Philip! Recycling your e-Waste is great. The challenge is making sure the hauler is reputable. One indication the e-waste you drop off at one of these events might not be disposed of responsibly is if they do not charge to take your TV. Here's a link to a local, reliable source for getting rid of e-waste. http://www.greencitizen.com/safe_disposal.php
