Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Everywhere I go bags seem to show.

Everywhere I go I seem to be assaulted with bags.  While we need bags to hold things it has been an interesting process trying not to take every bag that is offered to me.  Last night my family was shopping at a local department store and we declined the bag at checkout.  Sure there were a few things to carry but we didn't have to go very far.  I would like to think since my son was with us perhaps he will also be inclined to think about if he really needs a bag everytime he is offered one.  Hopefully the old adage "Leading by example" will work with as he progresses into his shopping years.  Many people now have reusable shopping bags.  I keep mine next to the front door so I remember to take them with me when I leave the house.  As far as the debate on whether paper is "greener", or better for the environment than plastic, it seems plastic is actually a little bit better.  A plastic bag takes 594 BTU's to make and a paper bag takes 2511 BTU's.  Then of course there is the plastic which is actually oil.  Of course it takes energy to make a reusable bag but it can be... reused, again and again, saving energy, landfill (8 billion pounds of plastic bags enter the waste stream every year.) and perhaps some of your conscience.  I have a space in my kitchen where I have a large bag full of bags that will last me for my throw away bag needs for a long time to come.  Hey sometimes you forget and need a bag at the store.  It happens, but maybe we start buying more reusable bags and need a whole lot less of those bags being handed out so freely.  Because in actuality they cost us.  It's just a matter of changing your mind.

Read more about the actual cost of plastic bags.

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